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How and why the Japan Exclusive Colorways were created by Opal Wool Company

I have created the lengthily-named Umemura Martina Kesennuma FS Atelier Co., Ltd. in Kesennuma Miyagi prefecture and have also transferred my certificate of residence to Kesennuma. I founded the company with the intention of allowing those living in the area affected by the Tohoku earthquake to rapidly regain independence through the creation of knitted products. Furthermore, I hope to share the pleasures of knitting and knitted products, widening a circle that creates happiness from Kesennuma to the rest of Japan and beyond. “Everyone can be happy through wool.” Everyone can share in the pleasure of wool, and wouldn't it be wonderful if that pleasure could be connected to the regeneration of the Tohoku region?

the staff of the KFS Atelier, February 2013.

When I decided to work together with victims of the Tohoku earthquake, I received a lot of support from the Opal wool company, which originates near my home town in Germany. I was fascinated by the magic of this wool, which reveals a beautiful pattern little by little simply by doing a stocking stitch. Anyone can enjoy knitting using this wool; knitting makes you feel happy and content. I believe this wool certainly helps those who have been harmed by the disaster. Opal wool and Kesennuma, and all the people I met!
I am truly thankful for all the wonderful encounters.

Inside Tutto's factory shop. Everything was topped by Tutto cooperating with us to launch the ‘Martina Original Colors’ representing Kesennuma through wool names (e.g. Kesennuma forest (wool of green shades) and Kesennuma Sea (wool with blue patterns). After the Tohoku earthquake, I made friends in Kesennuma and when we decided to found a company together, we had a lot of difficulty choosing a name. After a struggle, we finally arrived at the idea of wanting to make "socks of peace" that made people in Kesennuma happy. In this way, the name "Kesennuma FS Atelier" was born. Through the KFS, we hope to convey the joy of knitting from Kesennuma to the rest of Japan and beyond. We want to share the joy of knitting with everyone. This is our hope. We hope everyone can become a part of this circle that creates happiness through wool.
On the left: Frederic, the president,
on the right: Henrike, his younger sister.
The name in German is "Friedenssocken" ("FS" stands for " Friedenssocken ")